12bet online betting

Profits of Russian 12bet online betting companies halved in the first quarter,Amur Region wants to be the leader in 12bet online betting
Source: Today’s Think TankAuthor:Time: 2024-06-11 09:52Views: 1184 times

Stated by the Russian State Statistical Service,January-March 2024,Russian 12bet online betting ’s profits fell by 96% compared with the same period last year.9%,Down to 4.7 billion rubles。During the reporting period,Russian 12bet online betting companies made profits of 47.7 billion rubles (-71.5%),Loss of 43 billion rubles (increase 2.9 times)。

First quarter of 2024,The share of profitable companies is 50%,compared to 61 in the same period last year.3%;The loss rate was 50% and 38% of the previous year respectively.7%。And Russia’s 12bet online betting production increased by 0 from January to April 2024.3%,reached 1.4.4 billion tons。

Russian Energy Minister Shulkinov said in an interview at the end of last year,Russian 12bet online betting production and exports may remain at 2023 levels in 2024。Russian Deputy Minister of Energy Sergei Mochalynikov pointed out in an interview with reporters in April 2024,12bet online betting exports declined slightly。However, the Department of Energy currently has no plans to revise the previous production and export forecasts,They think exports may improve in the second half of the year。

In addition,Amur Region plans to increase 12bet online betting production,Amur Region produced 4.5 million tons of 12bet online betting in 2023。Main power supplier Blagoveshenskaya CHPP、Raichikhinskaya GRES、Utilities and individual users only。

The largest producer in the region is the "Amur 12bet online betting " company,The company operates 12bet online betting mines in the Oktyabrsky district and northeastern Raichikhinsk。Amur 12bet online betting Company mined 2.9 million tons of 12bet online betting in 2023。Among them, the "Ogozin 12bet online betting Company" operating in the Selemza region produced 1.4 million tons of 12bet online betting ,Almost three times the 2022 production。There are also some 12bet online betting companies along the Amur River,Relatively small scale,Their production is in the range of 5,000-70,000 tons per year,They produce about 200,000 tons of 12bet online betting every year。

The Amur Region government plans to increase production from the Ogozin oil field in the next few years。As early as the end of last year,Experts began work on their development project,Construction of the Ogodja-Fevralsk railway branch line has begun。After completion, this project will help transport regional 12bet online betting outwards,Stimulate 12bet online betting production,The current goal is to reach the level of 17-18 million tons per year by 2029,That is 3-4 times the current production。

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