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State Bureau of Mine Supervision: Strengthen warning and education on mine production 12bet mobile app accidents
Source: National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision BureauAuthor:Time: 2024-06-04 09:38Views: 1005 times

Notice of the State Administration of Mine 12bet mobile app on Strengthening Warning and Education on Mine Production 12bet mobile app Accidents

Kangangan [2024] No. 67

Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Department,Provincial-level bureaus of the National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Bureau,Related central enterprises:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on production 12bet mobile app ,Adhere to the supremacy of the people、Life comes first,Give full play to the role of warning and education on mine production 12bet mobile app accidents,Effectively use accident lessons to promote mine 12bet mobile app production,The notice on strengthening the warning education on mine production 12bet mobile app accidents (hereinafter referred to as warning education) is as follows。

1. Fully understand the importance of warning education work.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,We must deeply learn the lessons from 12bet mobile app accidents,Achieve "accident in one factory"、Wanchang gets an education,There are hidden dangers in one place、National warning”。Warning education is a good experience and practice that has long been adhered to in mine 12bet mobile app production,To prevent accidents、Important measures to improve emergency response capabilities,Is an important means to promote production 12bet mobile app 。Mining 12bet mobile app Supervision and Supervision Department、Mining enterprises should further strengthen warning education work,Make warning education an important part of 12bet mobile app production work in mines,Organize and carry out warning education activities on a regular basis,Guide mining workers to learn lessons from accidents,Enhance security awareness、Improve 12bet mobile app literacy、Standard 12bet mobile app behavior,Keep the alarm bell ringing、Use the case as a warning、Use cases to promote reform、Promote treatment through cases,Further create 12bet mobile app for everyone、A good atmosphere where everyone knows how to respond to emergencies,Resolutely prevent and contain mine production 12bet mobile app accidents。

2. Establish and improve the warning education work system.

Warning education as the basic work of mine 12bet mobile app production,Must persist for a long time,Normal development。Enterprises with mining production 12bet mobile app accidents,We must organize and carry out warning education in a timely manner,Educate the people around you with the things around you。Area where mining 12bet mobile app accidents occurred,According to the principle of hierarchical territoriality,In the enterprise or area where the accident occurred,Take on-site meeting、Video conference, etc.,Organize and carry out warning education,In principle, it will be carried out within 3 months after the accident。A major accident occurred,Organized by the provincial mine 12bet mobile app supervision department in conjunction with the provincial bureau of the National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Bureau;A major accident occurred,Organized by the municipal mine 12bet mobile app supervision department;General accidents,Organized by the county-level mine 12bet mobile app supervision department or the higher-level enterprise entrusted by the accident mine;Typical accidents involving risks,The mine 12bet mobile app supervision and inspection department deems it necessary,Organize and carry out warning education activities as appropriate。For larger and larger accidents,The mine 12bet mobile app supervision and inspection department responsible for leading accident investigations should organize the production of accident warning educational films。Review of typical accidents occurring in other parts of the country,Mining Enterprise、The mine 12bet mobile app supervision and inspection department must organize and carry out warning education in a timely manner,Treat other people’s accidents as your own,draw inferences from one instance,Take effective measures,Prevent similar accidents in our company、This region repeats the same mistakes。

3. Strengthen the organization of warning education activities.

Mining enterprises should incorporate warning education into 12bet mobile app production education and training plans,Actively take advantage of 12bet mobile app training、Staff Meeting、Safe production regular meeting、Pre-class meetings and other forms,Carry out regular warning education for all employees,Carry out solid risk management and hidden danger investigation and management,Strictly implement accident prevention and rectification measures。The mine 12bet mobile app supervision and inspection department targets typical mine production 12bet mobile app accidents,An accident scene meeting can be held、Preaching Session、Analysis meetings and organizations watch accident warning educational films、The parties’ personal statements and other forms,Timely organize the heads of local governments and relevant departments and the main heads of mining enterprises in the jurisdiction、The actual controller and 12bet mobile app management personnel carry out warning education,The content mainly includes reporting the cause of the accident、Analysis problems、Summary of experience and lessons、Propose preventive and rectification measures, etc.。Warning education activities can be timely invited to local news media for publicity and reporting,Create a warning and education atmosphere,Enhance the effect of warning education。

4. Establish a warning and education day for mining enterprises.

Mining enterprises should set up warning education days based on typical production 12bet mobile app accidents that have occurred in the history of the enterprise。Based on the characteristics of enterprise disasters and weak links in production 12bet mobile app every year、Outstanding Issues,Use the warning education day to carry out a centralized warning education for all employees,Via Media、Exhibition board、Broadcast、Banners and other publicity methods that employees love to see,Analysis of typical accident cases and lessons learned、Preach 12bet mobile app laws and regulations、Train 12bet mobile app skills、Create a safe atmosphere,Let all employees be warned in their ideological understanding、Get an education,Let enterprises implement the system、Risk Control、Be alerted to disaster management and other aspects、Get promoted,Ensure that warning education is effective。

5. Strengthen supervision and inspection of warning education activities.

Mine 12bet mobile app supervision and inspection departments should integrate the implementation of warning education activities into daily inspections,Urge mining enterprises to strictly carry out warning education,Promote advanced experience and practices,Correct problems in a timely manner。The warning education work has not been carried out for a long time or is not carried out seriously、Perfunctory,Even units that commit fraud,It must be corrected promptly in accordance with the law,And urge rectification,Resolutely prevent and put an end to going through the motions。

National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Bureau

May 29, 2024

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