12bet sports betting

Can the 12bet sports betting market fight back in July?
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor: Sun TingtingTime: 2024-06-19 08:55Viewed: 2915 times

First half of June,12bet sports betting prices in the Bohai Rim port market fell slightly by 5 yuan/ton。Started last Wednesday,East China、Temperatures are rising in some areas of South China,Reduced rain,High temperature brings stricter safety supervision upstream,The daily consumption of the power plant has increased,The daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces exceeds 1.9 million tons。Despite the peak summer season, demand is still optimistic,But the downstream inventory is too high,It is an indisputable fact that Beigang continues to build up its warehouse。Estimated in the second half of the month,12bet sports betting prices will continue to fall slightly,Maintain the downward trend。

12bet sports betting mine production in main production areas is normal,Market supply remains stable。Downstream companies have a wait-and-see attitude towards the market outlook,Procurement is mainly based on rigid needs,The overall demand release is limited;But the 12bet sports betting mine is supported by the long-lasting supply of vehicles,No pressure to ship yet。June is production safety month,Safety incidents occurred one after another in the early stage of stacking,Safety and environmental inspections in major production areas are tightening on a regular basis,It is difficult to release incremental supply from origin。Recent,South China、High East China port inventory,Difficulty in unloading at the site,Traders are under pressure to ship goods。Currently,Power plant inventory is relatively sufficient,Luck、Sluggish purchasing enthusiasm,There are few 12bet sports betting -pulling ships arriving at ports around the Bohai Sea;Second half of the month,Port 12bet sports betting prices may continue to fall slightly。

Railway shipping,Daqin Line’s average daily shipping volume is 1.02 million tons,The average daily transportation volume of Zhangtang Line is 270,000 tons,The shipping volume of the two major 12bet sports betting railway lines is not high;But due to the recent low temperature and rainy weather in the south、Affected by factors such as weak demand,Bohai Rim port inventories continue to rise,The market supply exceeds demand and the pressure increases。From the demand side,my country has high temperatures in the north、Characteristics of precipitation in the South,North China、High temperatures above 35°C occur in the Huanghuai region and will continue this week,The local area can reach 40℃。Started last Wednesday,Some areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in East China have also temporarily bid farewell to the rainy season,Enter 30 degrees Celsius medium-high temperature mode,Civil electricity load is pulled up,The power plant’s daily consumption shows a restorative growth。But because the downstream inventory is too high,Most power plants are in the consumption inventory stage;Even if the power plant is short of 12bet sports betting ,We will also give priority to purchasing Jiangnan 12bet sports betting or unloading imported 12bet sports betting ships,If you continue to be nervous,will purchase Beigang 12bet sports betting 。Estimated after a period of consumption,Only southern users will purchase 12bet sports betting from Bohai Rim ports。Despite the accelerated economic recovery,But the peak of summer is approaching,Some non-electricity industries will enter the peak-shifting production stage,Demand will weaken,Unable to support rising 12bet sports betting prices。

Comprehensive analysis,Enter "peak summer" mode,Power plant daily consumption increases,Superimposed 12bet sports betting consumption increases,Both supply and demand sides of the 12bet sports betting market have growth expectations,Market supply and demand are booming or may reappear。After more than a month of continuous decline in 12bet sports betting prices,After the superimposed power plant inventory is consumed,July,It is highly likely that 12bet sports betting prices will stop falling, stabilize and rebound;Of course,The extent of the rebound in 12bet sports betting prices depends on the destocking and procurement situation of power plants。

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