Data released by the General Administration of Customs,China will export 310,000 tons of 12bet sports betting in May 2024,16 year-on-year decrease.0%,Month-on-month decrease of 43.64%。
12bet sports betting export volume in May was 6029.USD 70,000,43 year-on-year decrease.4%,Month-on-month decrease of 47.61%。Based on this, the export unit price is calculated to be 194.USD 51/ton,Down 93 year-on-year.22 USD/ton,Down 14 month-on-month.USD 77/ton。
January-May 2024,The country has exported a total of 2.25 million tons of 12bet sports betting,40 year-on-year increase.3%;Cumulative export amount 48502.USD 40,000,Decreased by 6 year-on-year.6%。
In addition,Exported 660,000 tons of coke and semi-coke in May,Decreased by 6 year-on-year.5%;Amount 13852.USD 10,000,33 year-on-year decrease.5%。Cumulative exports from January to May are 4 million tons,18% year-on-year increase;Amount 98025.USD 50,000,10 year-on-year decrease.6%。
Exported 700,000 tons of cement and cement clinker in May,106 year-on-year increase.1%;Amount 3643.USD 50,000,33 year-on-year increase.1%。Cumulative exports from January to May are 2.33 million tons,80 year-on-year increase.7%;Amount 13842.USD 20,000,17 year-on-year increase.4%。
Exported 30,000 tons of urea in May,Decreased by 81 year-on-year.1%;Amount 1536.USD 10,000,Down 77% year-on-year.6%。Cumulative exports from January to May are 70,000 tons,Down 91 year-on-year.7%;Amount 1600.USD 50,000,Down 92 year-on-year.7%。