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India's 12bet mobile app imports increased by 21.1% year-on-year from January to April 2024
Source: China 12bet mobile app Economic Research Association     Author:    Time: 2024-06-17 10:13    Views: 1761 times

        According to commodity import and export statistics released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, from January to April 2024, India's 12bet mobile app imports totaled 86.9708 million tons, an increase of 21.1% over the same period last year. Among them, India's 12bet mobile app imports in April were 22.5817 million tons, an increase of 13.0% year-on-year and 2.6% month-on-month.

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        In April, thermal 12bet mobile app imports rose to five-month high

        According to recent reports by thehindubusinessline, India's thermal 12bet mobile app imports increased for the fourth consecutive month in April 2024, with imports hitting a five-month high, as thermal power plants (TPP) are expected to be this summer Temperatures will rise and the heat wave will last for a long time, so commodities such as 12bet mobile app are stockpiled.

        According to data from energy information agency Kpler, India's thermal 12bet mobile app imports in April were 16.23 million tons, a month-on-month increase of nearly 11% and a year-on-year increase of 10%.

        Comparison of thermal 12bet mobile app imports in the first 4 months in the past three years

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        The thermal 12bet mobile app purchases in the first quarter of 2024 have reached the highest level in the past two years. According to Kpler data, 12bet mobile app imports from January to March 2024 increased by 23% year-on-year, from 34.85 million tons a year ago to 42.95 million tons.

        Hot summer has stimulated 12bet mobile app demand. Alexis Ellender, chief dry bulk analyst at Kpler, pointed out that the outlook for 12bet mobile app demand in India remains strong as hot weather drives up thermal 12bet mobile app consumption.

        Kpler data shows that thermal 12bet mobile app imports climbed to a five-month high of 16.23 million tons in April, an increase of 1.5 million tons year-on-year. He told businessline that April was also the two weeks with the highest import volume since November 2023; both exceeded 4 million tons.

        "Entry demand remains strong despite the continued strong growth of domestic 12bet mobile app production. Despite the increase in supply, 12bet mobile app consumption is so large that it has led to a decline in 12bet mobile app inventory from its peak in late April to the first week of May. The lowest level. Still, inventory is much higher than the same period last year,” Elend pointed out.

        According to government data, on February 1, 12bet mobile app inventory at domestic 12bet mobile app-fired power plants was 36.05 million tons, which rose to 41.77 million tons a month later, and rose to 47.34 million tons on April 1 and May 1 respectively. 45.4 million tons.

        As of the end of March, the DCB power plant's 12bet mobile app inventory was 4730 tons, which then fell to 4548 tons on April 30 and to 4445 tons on May 17.

        He said that thermal power generation in April increased by 10.69% year-on-year, while hydropower generation fell by 8.43% year-on-year. In April 2024, the cumulative thermal power generation was 123,504 GWH (GWH), and the total hydropower generation was 7,993 GWH.

        Hot weather prompts the import of more 12bet mobile app. “Hot weather is likely to last at least until mid-May. We expect this month to be the annual peak for Indian thermal 12bet mobile app imports. Dry bulk carrier rentals from Indonesia, the world’s largest thermal 12bet mobile app exporter, to India in the last week of April

        Senior government officials said that as temperatures rise further northward, electricity demand will rise. Severe heat waves are expected to occur in the week starting May 19, leading to increased demand for cooling.

        India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that in mid-to-late May, many areas from Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh to Delhi are likely to experience heat to severe heat wave weather. As temperatures rise and heat waves continue, it will also push up thermal 12bet mobile app imports in May.

        Heat wave pushes up electricity demand, India's 12bet mobile app-fired power generation in May increased by 12.7% year-on-year

        As the high temperature heat waves drive a sharp increase in electricity demand, India's 12bet mobile app-fired power generation increased significantly in May on the same month-on-month.

        Data from the Central Electric Power Authority of India (CEA) shows that in May this year, 12bet mobile app-fired power generation in India reached 119.53 billion kilowatt-hours, an increase of 12.7% year-on-year and 2.6% month-on-month.

        As the increase in power demand, Indian power companies' demand for 12bet mobile app consumption has also increased. Since the beginning of this year, India's 12bet mobile app imports have shown a monthly increase trend.

        Kpler ship tracking data shows that in May, India's 12bet mobile app imports reached 23.1596 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.96% and a month-on-month increase of 3.29%, continuing to maintain monthly growth.

        At the same time, India has stepped up domestic 12bet mobile app production to ensure 12bet mobile app supply to power plants to avoid recurring 12bet mobile app shortages. In May, India's total 12bet mobile app production was 83.91 million tons, an increase of 10.15% year-on-year.

        At present, Indian power plant inventory maintains a good level. As of the end of May, 12bet mobile app inventory in India's power plants was 47.86 million tons, basically stable from 47.92 million tons in the previous month, and the number of days available for 12bet mobile app storage remained above 16 days.

        Indian National Electric Power Company plans to increase thermal power capacity

        According to Argus' June 10 information, India's state-owned utility NTPC plans to tender for the construction of about 15 GW of thermal power capacity by March 2027 to meet expected demand growth. Increased power generation capacity usually increases 12bet mobile app consumption.

        The company said: "As part of our overall energy security plan, we are actively considering building a 15.2 GW thermal capacity in the near future. This is a complement to the 9.6 GW thermal capacity under construction."

        NTPC said that of the planned 15.2 GW of power generation capacity, the 10.4 GW tender will be released in the current fiscal year from April 2024 to March 2025. The company also added that an additional 3.2 GW tender will be released in fiscal year 2025-26, followed by a 1.6 GW tender in fiscal year 2026-27.

        As of March 31, the installed power generation capacity of NTPC Group was 76 GW, an increase of 3.9 GW from the same period last year. The company plans to achieve a capacity of 130 GW by 2030 through hybrid power generation from traditional and renewable energy sources.

        As India's private utilities basically stopped developing new 12bet mobile app-fired projects, the company is expanding thermal power capacity. And private Indian utilities such as Tata Electric and JSW Energy have shifted from developing new thermal power capacity to focusing on renewable energy.

        NTPC also plans to increase 12bet mobile app production to partially reduce dependence on external supply. The company plans to increase 12bet mobile app production to 50 million tonnes per year over the next three years from 34.4 million tonnes in fiscal 2023-24.

        The Indian federal government plans to increase the thermal power capacity by about 80 GW in 2031-32 to meet the expected growth in electricity demand, thereby promoting future 12bet mobile app consumption.

        India's electricity demand is growing at an unprecedented rate due to rapid economic growth. "India needs all-weather power supply to promote growth, and India will not sacrifice electricity supply." "This kind of power supply cannot be achieved by renewable energy alone. Since nuclear power capacity cannot increase rapidly, we need

        According to India's National Electricity Plan (NEP), by March 2032, India needs to increase its 12bet mobile app-fired power capacity from the current 211 GW to 259.6 GW. The NEP released by the Central Electric Power Agency of India (CEA) in May 2023 said India needs to increase its current 12bet mobile app-fired power capacity to meet the country's expected peak electricity demand for 2473.8 terawatt hours in fiscal 2031-32.

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